Smart navigation system for aviation.

NABLA Mobility Inc. designs, develops, and provides flight optimization products for airlines using data analysis and AI/ML. We aim to enhance operational resilience and achieve both better efficiency and decarbonization by supporting optimal operational decision-making for the aviation industry and various transportation modes.

For this purpose, we comprehensively analyze and predict each element of the complex and ever-changing operational environment, and calculate the impact of pilots’ decision-making on time, fuel efficiency, and safety with high resolution. Advanced technology is required. We combine the latest technologies, AI/ML, to develop software products that support efficient decision-making.

This field is still in its infancy, even globally, and we will combine cutting-edge academic theories and cutting-edge technology with the operational know-how of our customers, and airline companies, to create unprecedented solutions and help shape the future of aviation - we shape the new way of flight operation.

Decarbonizing the aviation industry

The aviation industry is faced with severe challenges to pursue its decarbonization target in 2050, while every industry expedites its process to reach its aggressive targets. Due to the limited availability of fundamental solutions in the time frame of a decade, it is crucial for airlines to further improve operational efficiency for both short and long time horizons.

There are some optimization solutions employing deterministic approaches including one for flight planning. In order to address the remaining suboptimal situations, we also employ stochastic approaches to accommodate uncertainties in airspace so that airlines manage to make optimal decisions with autonomy. Through this, we expect an improvement in fuel efficiency of up to 4% is theoretically achievable, which is quite higher than industry experts’ expectation.

We’re doing something that’s never been done before

We’re still in the R&D phase, conducting a joint venture with the University of Tokyo and the Japanese airline Peach. The solution we’re developing isn’t on the market, which creates engineering challenges to devise something completely new.

A flexible choice of technology

We are always flexible to choose the most appropriate tools and technology for each problem. We didn’t specify programming languages for development, but likely use Python, Ruby, or other common ones. Regardless of programming languages, we will streamline the development environment across the team using Docker and synthesize/manage code using GitHub. We also leverage cloud services for computation like AWS, GCP, Azure, and storage like box.

Communication is predominantly in English

Our engineering team of 7+ people includes non-Japanese speakers, and so our communication is predominantly held in English (both speaking and writing).


Remote Work

We’d like you to attend the office in principal, though occasional remote work is possible.

Relocation Support

We are open to overseas candidates who are seeking to relocate to Japan. We’ve already helped with relocating one person, including sponsoring their visa, so even if you aren’t based here yet, please do apply.

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Developer stories

Igor talks about joining NABLA Mobility, the variety of work that goes into predicting weather patterns, and how their software is helping pilots fly more efficient, less turbulent routes.

Read his story...