Every day, SmartNews analyzes millions of URLs to deliver the top articles that matter in near-real time to millions of users around the world. Our AI Foundation team developed state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms in the areas of search ranking, collaborative filtering, natural language processing, classification, which serves as features or fundamental machine learning models for News Ranking team, to deliver the world’s quality information to the people who need it.
- Research and core technology development for machine learning
- The ability to solve issues ranging from fundamental algorithm development, implementation and optimization to deliver product metrics
- In this position, you are expected to utilize your expertise on one or more of following R&D areas to provide cutting edge solutions or core technologies for SmartNews * recommendation systems (Ads, News, etc)
- General Machine Learning, Deep Learning
- Natural Language Processing (entity recognition, categorization, text embedding, etc)
- Computer Vision, Image Processing
- Knowledge Graph
- Recommendation, Collaborative Filtering Algorithms
- Rapid prototyping and iterating
Minimum Qualifications
- 2+ yrs. experience in designing and implementing machine learning algorithms, and applying them to real world problems
- Solid Machine Learning background and good understanding of certain domain of machine learning techniques, especially in natural language processing, recommendation systems, computer visions
- Good written and spoken communication skills, can work across functional teams
- Strong coding abilities in multiple programming languages (e.g. Java, C++, Python, Scala)
- MS in computer science, mathematics, physics or other quantitative fields
Preferred skill/experience
- Ph.D Degree in computer science, mathematics, physics or other quantitative fields
- Strong interest in news media and our mission